Psycho-Spiritual Well-Being of the Helping Profession

Fr. Arsie A. Lumiqued, Jr., MSC
Psycho-Spiritual Well-Being of the Helping Profession


There are six dimensions of wellness: (a) emotional wellness, (b) intellectual wellness, (c) physical wellness, (d) social wellness, (e) environmental wellness, and (f) spiritual wellness. According to Merriam-Webster, wellness is the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous. Google says it is a complex combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and social health factors. On the other hand, OpenAI says it is a holistic approach to health that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is finding balance in various aspects of life, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, and social connections.  

There are different ways we can naturally hack our happy hormones. First is the reward chemical dopamine. It is by completing a task, doing self-care activities, eating our comfort food, and celebrating little wins. Second is the love hormone oxytocin. It is done by playing with your dog (pet), playing with a baby, holding hands with loved ones, hugging your family, and simply giving compliments. Third is the mood stabilizer serotonin. It is through meditation, running, sun exposure, walking in nature, swimming, and cycling.

Psycho-Spiritual Well-Being

In particular, what is psycho-spiritual wellness? OpenAI says it focuses on the intersection of mental health and spiritual fulfillment. It is an understanding of oneself on a deeper level, cultivating inner peace, and finding purpose in life. Some key aspects of psycho-spiritual wellness are:

1. Self-reflection

2. Mindfulness

3. Values and beliefs

4. Community and connection

5. Rituals and practices

6. Therapy and counseling

Spiritual wellness includes having balance, purpose, meaning, connection, and self-reflection. The benefits of spiritual wellness include:

1. Increased confidence

2. Heightened sense of calm

3. Decreased stress, anxiety, and depression

4. Better mental and physical health

5. Ability to deal with grief or loss

6. Greater creativity and ingenuity

7. Desire to be of service to others

8. Improved sense of community with others

9. Feeling that life has purpose and meaning

10. Improved healing and recovery

Some examples of spiritual wellness are:

1. Practicing self-care

2. Being optimistic

3. Living a positive life

4. Nurturing a sense of belonging

5. Connecting with others

6. Contributing to a community

Suggested Activities

Here are some suggested activities to attain psycho-spiritual well-being:

1. Quieting Down or Mindfulness Exercise: This helps see the bigger picture. Sit erect, gently close your eyes, take a deep breath, and slowly exhale. Do this three times at the beginning. If you are a right-brain person (imaginative, creative, etc.), visualize your relaxing space as you inhale and exhale. If you are a left-brain person (cognitive, intellectual, etc.), think of your favorite affirmation. Incorporate these statements during the inhale and exhale. Do these three to four times for quick relaxation between work, refreshing and decompressing you.

2. Guided Imagery Relaxation: Use apps like Headspace, Centering Prayer, Moodfit, Calm, CBT Companion, or What's Up. Find a relaxing corner, use your earphones, and follow the instructions for an uplifting spirit afterward.

3. Praying with Another Person: Take turns to pray with another person. Ask each other what you wish for, hold hands, and quietly pray for each other.

4. Blessing the Person: Find a partner, extend your hand towards them, and wish them a blessing. Alternatively, touch the head or shoulder of the person. The idea is to bless them.

5. Group/Community Blessings: Find a group and extend your blessing to each other. Gather around each person, extend your hands to bless him/her, and thank one another by hugging or shaking hands.

January 25, 2025, Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul


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Merriam-Webster. Well-being. Retrieved from

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Summit Malibu. How to increase spiritual wellness for recovery. Retrieved from

The Ohio State University. Teaching wellness toolkit: Strategies to support student well-being. Retrieved from